At HEG Limited we like nothing more than getting our teeth stuck in to an exciting BMS project. We were delighted to be appointed sole sub-contractor for the building management control element of the Southampton New Arts Complex project.
This was an extremely interesting project since the heating and cooling for each building is being generated by the district geothermal plant based in Southampton. These heating and cooling provisions were incorporated using Air Handling Unit Plant (AHU’s), fan coil units, underfloor heating, conventional radiators and hot water services. Circulating pumps and fans with variable speed drives enable energy efficient systems that maintain optimum conditions.
The building is fully automated and a central monitoring station was established in the management suite. From here the building can be controlled, the status of all BMS elements monitored and any alarm notifications managed.
This multi-use building has been constructed to include an arts gallery and workshops and also incorporates one large and one smaller auditorium. It is essential that perfect climate conditions are maintained, in particular in the gallery areas where sensitive exhibits are displayed. Close monitoring and control of the humidity, temperature and C02 in these locations is critical.
The design, installation, commissioning and operation of both these buildings is an integral part of the climate and energy efficiency levels that need to be achieved to make the operation of this building viable.
HEG Limited were appointed by Aimteq Energy Management (who in turn were contracted to the DODD Group who were conducting the mechanical and electrical installation on the project).
For more information regarding this project, or to discuss your own plans, get in touch.
T: 01458 274317